More NATO from politicians over existence of vernacular schools?


So, finally the police have clearly shown their true colours who they are serving. Not the “rakyat dan negara” (people and country) but Umno.

Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily

The following news headlines tell all: “Despite MCA demands, cops not going after Umno man calling for end to Chinese schools” (Oct 7), “Probe Umno man for sedition over call to scrap Chinese schools, says MCA”, (Oct 7), “‘Shut your mouth’, Umno man tells MCA critics of call to abolish vernacular” schools (Oct 6) (all from themalaymailonline), and “Umno division wants assembly to consider abolishing Chinese schools, reports Utusan” (The Malaysian Insider Oct 5).

And Sepang OCPD Supt Mohd Yusoff Awang had the audacity to tell the media that the case has been categorised as a civil matter and would, therefore, not investigate Petaling Jaya Utara Umno deputy division chief Mohamad Azli Mohemed Saad for sedition over his suggestion that the Chinese vernacular system be abolished.

Despite MCA’s demand that the authorities pursue Mohamad Azli, Yusoff told themalaymail online: “We investigated and we classified it as a civil case.”

So, the sensitive utterances of Perkasa, Isma and Umno leaders are civil matters but others are deemed seditious? Are Malaysians morons?

MCA Selangor Youth education bureau chief Datuk Lawrence Low Kah Guan expressed anger and regret at Mohamad Azli’s suggestion for the Umno general assembly next month to debate closing down Chinese schools.

“The MCA Selangor Youth Education Bureau hopes that an investigation be carried out against Mohamad Azli after (a) police report has been lodged and stern disciplinary action must be taken in order to avoid criticism of double-standard in implementing and enforcing the Sedition Act by the government,” Low said in a statement.
Mohamad Azli told his critics from MCA to “shut [their] mouth” and not meddle in what he described as Umno’s affairs.
He added that the Chinese party’s leaders only managed to win in general election in 2013 by using Malay votes, and that they have been rejected by the community they profess to represent.
MCA religious harmony bureau chairman Datuk Ti Lian Ker said in response that Umno had survived the 1999 general election because of MCA, when the majority of Malays rejected the Barisan Nasional (BN) lynchpin during the opposition’s Reformasi movement.
“It was MCA that helped BN win the day,” Ti told themalaymailonline.
The ongoing government crackdown under the Sedition Act 1948 has seen investigations and charges against opposition lawmakers, but not politicians from the ruling BN.
Low called Mohamad Azli’s proposal unconstitutional and said it jeopardised the relationship between BN’s component parties.
MCA Youth lodged a police report on Oct 5 against Mohamad Azli for sedition.
On Oct 5, Mohamad Azli was reported by Mingguan Malaysia and New Sunday Times as saying that the upcoming annual Umno meeting in November should discuss abolishing the Chinese vernacular school system as it purportedly promotes racism and anti-establishment sentiments.
Wanita MCA chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie said in response that the right to vernacular education is protected under Article 152 of the Federal Constitution.
Mohamad Azli said that MCA should work to win back Chinese voters, instead of interfering in BN lynchpin party’s affairs.
“(Ti) Lian Ker needs to shut his mouth as MCA candidates only win the elections because of Malay voters, not Chinese voters. Lian Ker has no locus standi as the Chinese have rejected MCA,” Mohamed Azli was quoted saying in media reports.

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