Wahid’s Statistics Again

Wahid Omar

(1.) The Star is misreporting or (2.) Wahid does not know what he is saying.

OutSyed the Box

Last nite I was talking to a foreigner who lives and works here. Not from Nepal, Arab countries, Iran, Nigeria or Bangladesh. He made the observation that Malaysia is reverting to a real Third World country.

The streets are dirty, the roads are potholed. The buildings are looking old. And worst of all are the people – there are so many Third World folks everywhere, pulling down the average and making us a Third World country.

Plus the daily overdose of increasing religious crap – the latest being the morons statement about the Oktoberfest. Kalau tak setuju just dont see lah. Siapa suruh pi tengok? Siapa suruh sebut pun perkataan “Oktoberfest”?

Yesterday Wahid Omar was in the news again about his statistics. This is from The Star.

Either :

1. The Star is misreporting or

2. Wahid does not know what he is saying.

Here is the news :

  • estimated two million families make do with less than RM3,000 a month, said Wahid
  • average household income had risen by 10% in the last five years, he added.
  • median household income rose an average of 8% annual­ly for the past five years
  • above the annual inflation rate of 2.3% for the same period.
  • about 71.3% out of seven million families lived on a monthly income above RM3,000
  • rest of them would have to survive on less, he added.
  • 40% lowest income level recorded rise from average RM1,440 (’09) to RM1,847 (’12) and RM2,313 this year.
  • household income levels were based on United Nations’ criteria.
  • monthly household income in 2009 was RM4,025, RM5,000 in 2012 and RM5,919 this year

I suppose these stats can be argued till the cows dont come home ever. But what is this :

average household income had risen by 10% in the last five years, he added
median household income rose an average of 8% annual­ly for the past five years

In total average household income rose 10% over five years. That means 2% a year.

But annually, household income rose 8% annually over five years? This part does not compute.

Either The Star misheard or is misreporting or Wahid is klentonging.

Read more at: http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com/2014/10/wahids-statistics-again.html

