When “Menteri-Menteri bongok” wrongly explained as “good for government”


Many failed to realise that the public seemingly unrealistic reaction to the fuel rationalisation is not about not appreciating the fact that our subsidy spending has grown too much.

Another Brick in the Wall

Within the week the fuel rationalisation to raise petrol pump price by 20 sen was announced, two noteable Tan Sri expressed an alarming opinion that the government could not be relied to help solve many of the nations and rakyats’ problems and needs.

One is of the view that government is only there to serve only corporate interest and not “rakyat didahulu” as per the campaign slogan for GE13.

He went on to say that Dato Najib’s political fate lies with the upcoming budget, which opposition has already tried to put down. Wrong budget and it is the end of Najib and BN.

Both the Tan Sri seemed to share a common view that the government is under the power oligarchy of ruling elites, civil and Chinese taukeh which only serve the interest of business and corporate, including government and multinational corporation.

It must have took the two government loyalist Tan Sris long period of observation to come to that conclusion. The public sentiment arising from the pre-Eidil Adha fuel rationalisation annoucement serve to confirm their view.

The problem is compounded by “Menteri-menteri bongok’, as one Whats App received described for explaining fuel rationalisation and GST as good for government without showing sensitivity to the rakyat.

What they should have said

They should have explained that the fuel rationalisation is meant to stop foreigners and profit driven companies abused the subsidy meant for the rakyat.

In the days of old, government had to merely spent about RM2 billion a year on fuel subsidy but today it is RM23 billion a year.

Much of it, circa RM9 billion is lost due to smuggling to foreigners.

But, do not give excuse like our coastline borders are too open to encroachment and smuggling activities, it only opens the ruling party to criticism of corruption when all along it is civil servants in customs, KPDNKK and others that had their hands in the pie.

Admit it that it had got out of hand because public can see openly the smuggling activities. Then admit that the only choice left is to rid off the price differential.

However, the public will be assured to still receive fuel subsidy through a new scheme using Mykad in which only citizens can have access to subsidised fuel.

Then assure the public that the selection of the system used will be transparent and open public tender. And there is no rent seeking arrangement of overriding commission on fuel paid by the public to the system provider. Government has the source code and thus own and operates the system.

Hopefully, the “menteri-menteri bongok” can maintain the same price level because subsidy spent will be drastically reduced by a focused distribution.

It is not difficult to get the public support by saying no one should be profiteering from subsidised fuel for the people which is basically government sharing nation’s wealth with the people.

Now foreigners living in this country or coming through the border cannot get subsided fuel.

Also they can say subsidy for business people to profit from will be stopped too. Quote the amount of subsidy used by private sector and foreign companies.

When include IPPs, subsidy is heard to total RM19 billion and it is not added to the RM23 billion statistic bandied around. Since IPPs will affect energy prices, another inflation sensitive component, government has to think of a way to address it.

What they should not be saying

The problem started when Dato Wahid Omar was busily saying the mean monthly income is RM5,900 and it is now on the rise. Hooray high income model works.

It was not long ago that Wahid also said to the effect that more than 70% of Malayians are earning below RM3,000. Probably there is a factual correction needed but the gist is the two are two different indicators but it is perceived as inconsistent. That is a deadly argument to discredit facts.

The one reason public got emotional about the fuel rationalisation is because the 20 sen increase was explained with the same recycled argument by “menteri-menteri bongok.” It shows grave insensitivity and poor understanding on the part of government on the plight of the common rakyat.

They should not be repeating the same argument that our fuel is still cheaper compared to other countries, including poor Cambodia and the  same old process of fuel pricing structure.

They should not insult the public intelligent to say it is not fuel price increase but reduction in subsidy. The Minister may not be intelligent but he does have to tell the public.

Read more at: http://anotherbrickinwall.blogspot.com/2014/10/when-menteri-menteri-bongok-wrongly.html

