Malay rights groups are victims targeted by liberals, claims Ridhuan Tee

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(Malay Mail Online) – Liberal elements in Malaysia pursuing their own agendas have unfairly labelled Malay rights groups Perkasa and Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) as racist for trying to safeguard the rights of the country’s Bumiputra majority, according to an academic known for his shrill assertions on divisive issues.

Writing in his weekly column in Malay-language daily Sinar Harian, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, an ethnic Chinese convert to Islam said these elements have no respect or understanding for the country’s political culture and sensitivities.

“The victims are Perkasa and Isma.

“The moment these NGOs open their mouths, everything is racist and opposed to the end. But when the ultra kiasus vehemently defend their culture, language and identity including the LBGT (lesbian, gay and transgender) rights that is human rights,” the National Defence University associate professor said in the paper, Sinar Harian.

Malaysia has an exclusive problem. Unnamed groups are trying to undermine Islam and Malay culture so that both tumble lower than other local cultures

“There, the identity, culture and language is kept and maintained even in museums.

“The immigrants (who are ruling New Zealand) know that if the Maori are not cared for, there will be trouble. That is why the Maori do not cause trouble even though they are ruled by outsiders… for us (in Malaysia) it is the opposite,” he said.

Ridhuan also defended his pro-Bumiputra rights stand, and took aim at unnamed online sites for listing reasons for his lack of public support while he was under a sedition probe previously.

“As long as I am not guilty I will not fear the Sedition Act, I will speak the truth even though it may be bitter,” Ridhuan added.

