PR told to show more zeal for electoral reforms


(FMT) – A civic group says it fears that the opposition pact will maintain the flawed electoral system when it gains power.

A civic group has urged Pakatan Rakyat to commit to the quest for electoral reforms.

Tindak Malaysia, in telling the opposition alliance to treat the matter as urgent, also warned Barisan Nasional that it risked oblivion if it did not participate in the effort to ensure free and fair elections.

P Y Wong, one of the group’s founders, said he feared that if Pakatan Rakyat were to win the next general election, it would retain the current system with all its flaws and use it to its advantage.

“That’s why we have to reform the system right now,” he said in an interview with FMT. “And Pakatan Rakyat must demonstrate its commitment now, not when it is in power.”

Tindak Malaysia, which bills itself as a “political-social-economic forum”, runs a website dedicated to educating Malaysians on their democratic rights and to “empower and encourage them to act towards the goal of a two-party state”.

Wong is confident that BN can be persuaded to initiate electoral reforms before the 14th general election comes around.

“If you look at the trend now,” he said, “BN’s support is waning and if it were wise, it would want reform now so that when it does indeed lose power, it will have another chance to get the government back.”

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