Anwar the Sore Loser (Epitaph VI)

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

As far as confrontations go, it was a total defeat for Anwar vis-a-vis HRH the Sultan of Selangor. A classic hands-up-in-the-air-type of surrender, complete with lame face-saving statements extruded from beneath drooping tails between the legs. Previous cocky statements by Anwar himself, Wan Azizah, and the PKR Secretary-General, were ignored as if they were frivolous shrieks of naughty juveniles.

The relieved Rakyat were ready to move on ahead, putting all that silliness behind them and not relishing to rub Anwar’s face in the mud, even though he would have deserved that treatment wholly.

Suddenly, as the dust is settling and after licking wounds, Anwar, wearing his Leader of Opposition hat, raised this alarm that the monarchy is over-stepping boundaries and taking this country back towards absolute monarchy. Along the way, invoking the memory of a founding father, knowing that his own credibility no longer holds water, Anwar, as if in an afterthought, tried meekly to deflect his defeat as if the whole saga was about him being the victim of championing the Rakyat’s cause.

The fact was that it was Anwar who placed himself in a position of conflict with the constitutional monarch, out of his desperation to hang on to the levers of power before possible incarceration. HRH then put in a constitutional spanner in the works and Anwar was hung dry. The reason we have constitutional monarchs is to protect ourselves against sleazy characters like Anwar who will not hesitate to use fake claims of majority support to bulldoze matters in the name of democracy.

So HRH imparted a solution. Did anybody go to the streets? Was there a lawsuit? In fact, it received endorsements from political leaders of the ad hoc coalition. Perhaps it was the obvious solution from the beginning after all — if not for Anwar’s clumsy smokescreen to further his personal agenda. It appeared like HRH applied his mind more than the Leader of the Opposition insofar as Rakyat, governance and democracy were concerned. To his credit, HRH did not pick someone from the woodwork.

The Rakyat did not lose. Anwar did. And now he wants to blame his defeat on alleged gross indiscretion of separation of powers by the victors. The Rakyat hold dear their supremacy in a democracy. They will react appropriately if that supremacy faces insubordination. But thank God that when it appears that it is going to be manipulated by desperadoes, we have constitutional monarchs to take care of matters.

This is not to say that it is a fail-safe arrangement. Constitutional monarch is a generic term, and constitutions come in many forms. The monarchs may be tempted to exploit their discretionary powers. Rakyat beware.

Be assured that the Rakyat will be just as robust in defending its supremacy should that appear to be a real threat. Not by merely listening to a fraud-democrat whose idea of acquiring power in a democracy is inducing frogs to cross-over, off the electoral process. Much to the chagrin of the late Karpal Singh.

