Hadi: Non-Muslims free to consume alcohol, but strict enforcement required

Hadi Awang

(The Star) – Although non-Muslims should not be barred from consuming alcohol, there is a need for firm enforcement, said PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

According to various online new reports, the PAS president is reported to have said Monday that while the party could not restrict something that was allowed by another religion, control was required.

If it is usual practice, even if makes us uneasy, if it is allowed in their religion then let them practise that among themselves,” Abdul Hadi is reported to have said at a dialogue session organised by Selangor PAS Communications Body at Padang Taman Samudra, Gombak.

He, however, added that guidelines were needed so as not to encroach on the sensitivities of Muslims.

“In instances where they are allowed to do certain things by their respective religions, there needs to be some control so that it does not touch on the sensitivities of Muslims as well as other religions that do not agree with what they do,” he said, adding that other religions, like Islam, did not condone followers engaging in immoral activities.

“Ask their priests and monks. I think they also would not agree. So we need to filter all this,” Abdul Hadi said.

The PAS president was responding to questions on the Oktoberfest beer festival which had received staunch opposition from many individuals and organisations, including PAS politicians who wanted the event to be cancelled as the organisers had not considered the sensitivities of Muslims.

On Saturday, Seputeh MP and Kinrara assemblyman Teresa Kok uploaded photos of an Oktoberfest party held at One Utama, which was also attended by Selangor executive councillors Elizabeth Wong, Ean Yong Hian Wah and Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng.

In a Facebook post, Kok wrote that she had decided to attend the party after “certain quarters” tried to block it from happening.

Last week, Selangor PAS demanded the Selangor government to relocate or cancel the event, as it was disrespectful to the religious and cultural sensitivities of Muslims.

The festival, which was held on Friday, was eventually moved from the mall’s ground floor open-air car park to a section in the fourth floor parking lot.
