Hindraf disgusted at former judge’s racism


P Waythamoorthy says judiciary selection must be overhauled.

Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today

Hindraf national chairman P Waythamoorthy said he was disgusted with a statement made by former Court of Appeal judge, Mohd Noor Abdullah, over the weekend.

He said Mohd Noor’s remarks on the so-called non-existent “social contract” clearly showed the ex-judge’s racist and biased views against non-Malays and non-Muslims in the country.

Waythamoorthy was adamant that the term “social contract” was created by ultra Malays to divide communities and perpetuate contemptuous feelings among the ethnic groups.

“Hindraf is disgusted that these kinds of lies and perpetuation of racial ill feelings come from a former top judge of the country.

“The ex-judge promotes the Malay supremacist agenda. He has clearly been a racist in the closet whilst serving on the bench,” Waythamoorthy said.

“The government should overhaul the selection process to ensure that judges are not racist and not bias, have untainted integrity and are fully committed to protect the rule of law and parliamentary democracy,” he told FMT here today.

Waythamoorthy, who had perused thousands of documents on Malaya independence, insisted that a social contract was never mentioned in the pre-independence talks.

“Nothing was ever stated on a social contract in the pre-independence talks between then Malayan leaders and the British colonial government.

“When the independence talks took place, all three communities were given equal representation and footing.

He said it was a total lie that Indians and Chinese were given citizenship in return to agreeing to Malay privileges, adding, “A social contract does not exist at all.”

“It’s just their imagination to justify racist policies,” said Waythamoorthy.


