Who is the real beggar?


Jerome Lee 

When Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said that the Chinese could not make demands on Barisan Nasional (BN) if they continued to support Pakatan Rakyat (PR), he never ever referred to Chinese as ‘beggars’.

Anthony Loke, MP for Rasah, claimed, “It was a very irresponsible statement which should not have been uttered by the country’s top leader. The people are not beggars and everyone, regardless of race and religion are entitled to demand a fair and just treatment from the government!”

Who is the irresponsible one?

Take a look at how Anthony Loke made headlines in local media:

DAP man claims PM’s statement portrays Chinese community as ‘beggars’

Chinese Malaysians not ‘beggars’, DAP MP tells Najib

NAJIB GETS A SHELLING! Chinese have CONTRIBUTED, they deserve respect & not be treated like beggars – DAP

Yesterday,  MCA blamed online news portals for “twisting” Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s speech this morning, and denied that the prime minister had said the Chinese community should not make demands if it supported Pakatan Rakyat (PR). MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai told a press conference that Najib had merely expressed hope that the Chinese community would continue to support the BN, and not PR.

He said, “The online report was twisted, they like giving a negative image (of the government). We were all there at the assembly, we heard clearly the prime minister’s positive response to MCA’s proposals.

What PM Najib was trying to put across was a plea to the Chinese community to be fair to the ruling government.

At the MCA’s 61st annual general assembly, Najib said BN would only be fair to the Chinese if they supported the ruling coalition instead of PR.

In his usual honest style, PM said, “I’d like to do more, maybe one day I can do more. But I also need the Chinese community to support BN. Come on. You have to do your part.”

The truth, which many refuse to acknowledge, is that many demand this and that from the government while supporting Pakatan Rakyat. When BN does not seem to favour certain quarters, many condemn the government while paying homage to Opposition leaders.

After their pilgrimage to Opposition leaders, again they condemn the ruling government for anything under the sun in the name of anti-BN, anti-Najib, anti- MCA, anti-UMNO, anti-MIC and anti-GST or whatever.

It is NEVER anti-Pakatan.


In the eyes of many, Pakatan leaders are saints who can do or say no wrong.

Pakatan leaders can drive new cars, make wrong decisions about Menteri Besars, raise salaries, raise water rates, raise assessment rates, raise anything they want and regardless, anti-BN rakyat will forever accept the balderdash spins of PR. Even when swallowing the bitter pill offered by Pakatan Rakyat, blinded citizens can never see how DAP and their ilk have brainwashed Malaysians with their gospel of hatred where only the rakyat stand to lose and DAP has all to gain.

You see, many believe in an adulterous relationship because while ‘married’ to Pakatan Rakyat, they still miss the perks of the relationship they had with their ex in the form of Barisan Nasional because all Pakatan Rakyat can do is to blame, divide and flourish in empty talk. Stop expecting PR to pamper you because they cannot even take care of themselves!

Few will ever acknowledge that because of blind allegiance to DAP and Pakatan, Chinese representation in the ruling government is at its all time low.

Yet, PM Najib exhorts the Chinese, especially MCA, to close ranks, unite, and be stronger together to find a sense of direction and purpose.

You see, Anthony Loke deliberately chose to ignore PM Najib’s pledge where he said, “I will support the existing MCA, as the BN chairman.”

Instead, Anthony Loke chose to stoke the flames of hatred with his inflammatory allusion to beggars when it is DAP themselves who are forever asking or rather ‘begging’ for donations for their never-ending campaigns.

Who is the real beggar then?

