Rafizi’s real job as Sec-Gen


Azmin must also sign an undated letter of resignation, which can be used if he does not follow what the party wants. The Sultan and the people must also be shown that Anwar still calls the shots and still controls Selangor.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Many were caught off-guard and were quite surprised that the mastermind of the Kajang Move, Rafizi Ramli, was appointed PKR’s new Secretary-General. The fact that Saifuddin Nasution Ismail was ‘demoted’ as the Elections Co-Director to Nurul Izzah Anwar came as the second surprise.

No one had any doubts that this was Anwar Ibrahim’s move to tighten his grip on the party in anticipation of his trip to prison at the end of this month. The question, though, is why does he need to tighten his grip? Is there something amiss?

The e-mail below more or less explains why. Rafizi had already suspected that Azmin Ali was going to be appointed the new Selangor Menteri Besar to replace Khalid Ibrahim. So he suggested that the party put pressure on HRH the Sultan and remind HRH that there should only be one candidate for MB and that the Sultan must respect the wishes of the majority. The party must not abide to the Sultan’s more than two names decree.

In the event the Sultan does appoint Azmin as the MB, the party should only discuss supporting this appointment after it is made and not before that and even then under certain terms and conditions that Azmin will be tied to.

If Azmin is appointed the MB, the party must issue a statement saying that this is not in accordance with the Constitution. Azmin must also sign an undated letter of resignation, which can be used if he does not follow what the party wants. The Sultan and the people must also be shown that Anwar still calls the shots and still controls Selangor.

The rest you can read in that e-mail below. However, basically, this is Rafizi’s real job as Sec-Gen, to control Azmin and keep him in line.



