Agree on hudud, non-Muslims urged


(NST) – “Do we get their (non-Muslims’) approval when we want to perform circumcision?”

NON-MUSLIMS should agree on hudud as they will be exempted from any punishment under the Islamic law if it is enforced in Kelantan, the state assembly was told yesterday.

State Islamic Development Dakwah (Islamic propagation), Information and Regional Relations Committee chairman Datuk Mohd Nassuruddin Daud said their consent would not be sought before any punishment under hudud is meted out.

“Non-Muslims cannot disagree to the implementation of hudud as it does not cover them,” he said.

Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code Enactment II, or hudud, was passed by the assembly in 1993 after Pas took power in the state in 1990. The enactment, which has never been enforced in the state, is under scrutiny by a Federal-level technical committee which is studying the possibility on whether hudud can be implemented.

He said if hudud came into force, there was no reason to consult non-Muslims on whether they would agree for certain hudud punishments to be handed down to Muslim offenders.

“Do we get their (non-Muslims’) approval when we want to perform circumcision?

“Similarly, we do not need their agreement when, for instance, a Muslim thief is ordered to have his hand chopped off under hudud.”

He said Barisan Nasional should not remind the assembly of Pas’ failure to implement hudud as the circumstances between now and then were different.

However, Nassuruddin said the position of the Federal government now towards hudud seemed to be different from the past.

