Heading for the door, Tamrin says PAS’s broken promises ‘not his style’


(MMO) – Once a feather in PAS’s cap, Datuk Tamrin Abdul Ghafar yesterday said he was leaving the party due to its broken promises to voters and failure to honour its pledge to stand by partners in the Pakatan Rakyat pact, warning that more may follow suit.

Taking particular aim at PAS’s leadership, Tamrin alleged that they were deviating from the party’s objectives as well as ignoring his views.

“Not only during the Selangor mentri besar crisis, but even before that, during the national polls last year.

“There are quite a number of things which PAS did not fulfil their promises made… the promises were broken by PAS. It is not my style of politics,” Tamrin told reporters last night, following earlier news that he had submitted his resignation from the party.

He did not specify, however, what broken promises PAS is said to have broken.

When met at the Sunway Lagoon Club after the launch of the Anti-Racism Movement (GAP), Tamrin also insisted he had no choice but to leave as there was no room for his opinions.

Reserving his ire for PAS’s handling of the Selangor mentri besar crisis, Tamrin claimed that the suspension of two of the party’s Selangor assemblymen for breaking ranks went directly against its own pledge to stand together with allies PKR and DAP.

Read more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/heading-for-the-door-tamrin-says-pass-broken-promises-not-his-style
