Will Anwar let PR succeed without him? (Epitaph VII)

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Normally, when a patriarch is about to leave the scene, he arranges for those he will leave behind to inherit a structure that stays a conducive one despite his absence. But not Anwar. By his recent appointments, he changed his normal organisational structure from one where he himself is the hub for the spokes in the wheel that is PKR to one which has two pyramids housing diametrically conflicting personal interests.

Instead of prioritising consolidation as the mantra during his absence, he chose to create an atmosphere where his orphaned yearlings will spend most of their time and energy in internal politicking. It is not about leaving behind and fortifying a legacy for his principles to be the continuing basis of Reformasi. Both groups believe in them and both groups live off them for popular support.
It is just a carryover of his management style – divide and rule. His biggest fear now is that if he does not leave behind an internally fractious-prone structure, his quarrelsome brood might just band together under an ambitious and capable person like Azmin Ali. Where would that leave him? Rotting away in prison for the whole term of his sentence?
What if the internal conflict he had brewed becomes self-destructive and PKR implodes? And with it Pakatan Rakyat’s dream of a united opposition to takeover Putrajaya going up in smoke. And with it the dreams and hopes of millions who long for change from the current malaise? Does it not matter to Anwar? That is the 64 billion ringgit question. The answer is now clear for those who want to see.
It does NOT matter to Anwar.
This whole Reformasi crusade is about him and him only. He and his shallow cronies credited himself as the elephant gum that put Pakatan Rakyat together. When actually it was the culmination of the Rakyat’s dissatisfaction with Barisan Nasional’s poor governance and misplaced arrogance. No recognition for that brave step into the unknown by the Rakyat?
Sure, we need a leader. Is this hypocrite par excellence our only choice? Or were our aspirations hijacked by this previously more UMNO-than-Umno bisexual? The Federal Court that released him said he was one! He was so good at it he even led mass prayers in mosques whereas the Prophet Mohamad (pubh) had said that this kind of sexual deviants are not of his brood.
In the context of politics and leadership, it does not matter to many all over the world even if Anwar had had sex with a buffalo. But his hypocrisy is a no-no. We will not leave the future of our children in the hands of hypocrites if we can help it.
Now we can clearly see the danger. The so-called candle that burns itself to enlighten others is a hypocrite who cares only for position and power. Let the earth burn if he does not have the chance to be the PM, or even MB. Why should Azmin or his PR partners enjoy the so-called fruits of his labour.
