Malay “pendatang” remark spoil Gerakan comeback


Another Brick in the Wall

Whether it was because of the Chinese vernacular school issue raised at the UMNO Petaling Jaya Utara annual general meeting or the ensuing discussion on the root of Chinese vernacular school as education for the children of then Chinese immigration worker, the Malay “pendatang” remark uttered at the Gerakan AGM was unnecessary.

Surely it is untrue and illogical, be it from the archeological or historical or geo-cultural or even DNA finding done. Not only former MP Dato Zulkifli Nordin’s immediately reaction rebutted, one article by a Chinese writer by the name Tai Zee Kin disagreeing to any intention to claim Malays as “pendatang’ from Indonesia has gone viral. Prior to modern nation-state introduced by colonial masters, Malay archipelago is one big nation.

Politically, it is not a smart move, even for merely a drama to attract the attention of Chinese voters and hopefully secure back their votes. If that is what the Gerakan delegate from Johor, Tan Lai Soon intended, that is not the way since such remarks makes politics a zero sum game. By attracting one group, one anger another group.

How do Gerakan do their number crunching?

Before the AGM, President Dato Mah Siew Keong’s tone setting statement was for moderation as the new crying call for Gerakan’s comeback. Mah acknowledged that after two general elections, Gerakan’s have been reduced to a nominal presence in Parliament and State Assemblies.

For that matter, the one that used to utter the same remark in Parliament, the Ketua Wanita Dato Tan Lian Ho had focused her speech on the fanaticism and radical politics of DAP.

Basically, the Gerakan AGM should have been the platform for Gerakan politicians to use to lambast DAP Penang at a time when the Penang voters are slowly beginning to realise the ugly head and incompetence of Lim Guan Eng.

It is certainly not the time to attack fellow BN party members or their voters. MCA and Gerakan’s existing presence in Parliament and State Assemblies come at the camarederie spirit and willingness of UMNO to giveaway Malay majority seats for MCA and Gerakan to contest and remain relevent.


