It’s a joke to say Chinese have no identity

zaid ibrahim

Zaid Ibrahim says Chinese are quick to adapt while Malays get lost in rules and regulations.

Former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim has made an honest observation, saying it is the Malays and not the Chinese who have no identity.

In his latest blog entry, Zaid writes, “So don’t make people laugh by saying the Chinese have no identity. It’s the Malays who are struggling to know themselves.”

Lamenting that Malays have still not found a firm footing in society, Zaid observes, “They (Malays) only know about rules and regulations, and if the world does not fit into this frame, they punish themselves and each other.”

He said this in response to a statement by a former Umno minister that the “Chinese are suffering from an identity crisis and becoming misfits in Malaysian society.”

He also ridiculed prime minister Najib Tun Razak for preaching moderation versus extremism to Gerakan delegates recently saying, “The Chinese may be selfish, parochial, greedy, egotistical and whatever other ungodly labels some may want to slap on them, but extremist they are not.”

Zaid said that in contrast, it was the Malays who believed that “instant success and reward in this life” was theirs if they followed the teachings of their “ulamak and preachers”.

Proving the Chinese knew that “To succeed, they have had to be adaptable and accommodating”, Zaid pointed to the Chinese Babas who married Malays, spoke Malay and wore Malay dress.


