Anwar The Con Artiste (Epitaph VII)

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Does the 52% of the electorate who voted for the opposition at the last general elections all want Anwar to be PM? Does the 52% also think that Anwar is not guilty of sodomy? Probably not all. But Anwar has manipulated this manifestation of anger at BN as if to mean that the Rakyat think he can do no wrong and that they want him to be nation’s leader.

There are many of that 52% who think he is guilty and vehemently do not want him as their PM. There are many who do not think he is guilty but still do not want him to be PM. Then there are those who think he is guilty yet still want him to be PM, for reasons known to themselves. By deduction then, it is safe to conclude that not a majority of the total  electorate think he is not guilty, and also want him as their PM.

The fact is whether he is guilty or not, and whether you want him as your PM or not, is not a zero-sum proposition. Just because  you want him as your leader does not mean he is not guilty of sodomy. And conversely, just because you do not think he is guilty of sodomy does not mean you want him as your PM. But Anwar is good at jazzing up the truth.

Malaysians are being duped to go on the streets thinking that there is a conspiracy to deprive them of good governance, over his wild libido. He has managed to tie up his sexual deviancy to our misfortune of not getting a good government. Many believe that.

That we do not have a good government now or in the future has got nothing to do with Saiful’s asshole. Anwar was caught with his hand in the cookie-jar and he is trying to allege a conspiracy by those who left the jar open.

As if he is the epitome of good governance. We have seen Anwar in action the last 6 years and he is nothing to shout about. On the contrary. Which goes to prove that just because anyone is most vocal in criticising the government does not mean he qualifies to be a good enough replacement.

But criticise we must, especially if racism, religion and short-term gratifications are used to mantain their grip on the Rakyat. Just do nož use these argumente as your self-promotion. It is our misfortune that con men like Anwar whom we had believed in had stifled our progress in searching for that true saviour.

Go and sulk at the corner of your cell. Just don”t mess with our lives.

