MCA: PAS not ready to enforce hudud

Ti Lian Ker

(The Star) – PAS is not ready to enforce hudud law and that they are “jumping the gun” in pushing through the Islamic law in Kelantan, said Datuk Ti Lian Ker.

In a statement Tuesday, the MCA religious harmony bureau chairman said PAS were unprepared for the enforcement of hudud law and claims that they were “90% ready” to replace the Criminal Procedure Code with the Syariah Criminal Code Enactment II were false.

“PAS, in pushing through the hudud enactment in the Kelantan legislative assembly shows they were jumping the gun and have not been prepared since 1993.

“After 21 years, they are giving false assurances that they are now 90% ready,” said Ti.

Ti said that PAS assistant secretary general and Kota Baru MP Takiyuddin Hassan had himself admitted that there would be errors committed and questions over who would shoulder the responsibility for any misadventure when imposing the penalties.

“PAS also fails to address who will conduct the limb amputations, stoning and decapitations as pronouncedly practised by terror network the Islamic State (IS) in their tyrannical reign of evil in Iraq and Syria, as Malaysian doctors have already openly announced that they will not perform such cruel tasks,” said Ti.

Ti said that Takiyuddin claimed to have the “co-operation of the Federal Government, especially the police and prison departments”, and expressed outrage that PAS was, in essence, ordering “non-Muslim civil servants to execute the barbarity of PAS’ hudud law unto Muslims”.

“Such a move will drive a further wedge between Muslims and non-Muslims,” he said.

Ti said that the implementation of PAS’ hudud law requires a clear understanding of the jurisprudential issues concerned.

“By and large, Malaysians have not reached that level which requires the right culture and discipline in order that the legal instruments and mechanisms are not subjected to abuse,” he said.

Ti believed that PAS’ motives for implementing hudud law were “more political than anything”, and cautioned the public to take PAS’ assurance with “a pinch of salt”.

“PAS is not ready nor qualified to implement hudud law in order that justice can be done,” said Ti.

“PAS’ obsession on regimenting people’s personal spaces misrepresents Islam. It also indicates that PAS has not even thought of the long-term repercussions of ‘what-if’ scenarios that will befall,” he said.
