DPM, Enough Double-Talk

joshua wu

The quotes above are exactly what the average Malaysian has always wanted and still wants to hear! Whoever makes our DPM’s speeches deserves a raise!

Joshua Wu

“This racial understanding must be protected and strengthened so that the aspiration of making Malaysia a role model for other countries can become a reality soon” (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, Christmas 2011)

“I believe in racial tolerance as it is integral to peace in Malaysia. It can be retained if mutual understanding, respect and cooperation continue to be practised” (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, Chinese New Year 2013)

“I hope the Festival of Light of the Indian community in Malaysia will overcome all darkness which obstruct unity among the various races so that we can enjoy life in harmony in the spirit of tolerance which is important for a multiracial country like Malaysia” (Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin, Deepavali 2014)

Aren’t the aforementioned excerpts from past speeches by our beloved Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) touching? They are full of racial tolerance and promotes moderation, in view of our multi-racial society.

The quotes above are exactly what the average Malaysian has always wanted and still wants to hear! Whoever makes our DPM’s speeches deserves a raise!

Sad to say, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin (and many other politicians) practices double-talk. During racial/religious festivals, we get to hear wonderful 1Malaysia speeches (such as those above). Other times, we hear the usual divisive mantra

In 2009, Malaysia’s DPM blamed BN’s loss at Bukit Gantang (parliamentary seat) and Bukit Selambau (state seat) on the ungratefulness of the non-malays towards the Government. In an interview with Mingguan Malaysia, he said:

“Ini yang mungkin menyebabkan sukar BN mendapat sokongan walaupun kita fikir bila mereka hendak sekolah Cina dibantu, kita bantu, sepatutnya mereka membalas budi.”

“Pada waktu itu, kita pun tidak berharap sokongan kaum Cina akan meningkat 40 peratus dan sebagainya cuma kita berharap ada peningkatan sedikit tetapi apa yang berlaku ia mencatatkan penurunan, macam tidak ada penghargaan terhadap apa yang kita lakukan.”

Rough translation:
This (the removal of former Perak MB, Nizar Jamaluddin) could have made it difficult for BN to get support although we thought that when they wanted aid for Chinese schools, and we helped, they would have repaid the favor

At that time, we didn’t expect support from the Chinese to rise to fourty percent and all. We hoped for a mininal increase in support but what happened was that a decrease was recorded, as if there was no gratefulness towards what we have done

Eh, why the change in tone? If Muhyiddin was one who always treasured racial unity, he wouldn’t have blamed a specific race or community of people for BN’s loss.

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