How BN/Umno props up Anwar

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

When a question was asked how many of the 52% who voted for the opposition want Anwar as PM, the smug retort was how many of the 48% of those who voted BN want Najib as PM. Who cares? Could be 10%, could be 20%. The evaluation was how popular was our opposition leader. Najib is out of contention. Why compare?

There seems to be is a dire need among Ah Bengs and Mat Reformasi to show how worse off the government party is. It is a sad day if BN is our standard of measurement. Stop picking at low-hanging fruits. That’s kampung politics of the 70’s.

When it was reported that PR’s acceptability in Selangor has gone up a bit in spite of the MB crisis, but BN’s  popularity dropped instead, the Ah Bengs were jumping for joy. As if to beat the clueless Selangor BN/Umno was pure orgasm.

It would have been lovely for the Mat Reformasi if it is reported that BN/Umno ADUNs had a meeting the night Khalid appointed the four PAS ADUNs as Exco, that ended up in table-thumping arguments about about which one of the Umno ADUNS deserve to be in the Exco in case a unity government is formed.

Some things never change, especially with UMNO Selangor. Not only they have not reinvented themselves, they have not even bothered to change the packaging. But why compare ourselves with these morons to whom the only significance of the MB crisis was the potentially cushy jobs.

It seems that if the grading for BN is ‘D’, a ‘C’ grade is good enough for us. When an ‘A’ or at least a ‘B’ should be our target? That is why Anwar can thump his chest as if he climbed Mt. Everest when actually he just puffed up Bukit Gasing. The Ah Bengs and Mat Reformasi cheer on as if that was an ultimate achievement.

They ignored Anwar’s ambiguous stand on Israel, Hudud or Article 153 and do not examine his truisms on the economy. Anwar can afford to because his public are hung up with BN’s fumbles. Every time BN/Umno shoots itself in the foot or scored an own goal, which are often, the Ah Bengs and Mat Reformasi jump with glee. As if politics is just about putting down your adversary. About how superior you are compared to those you hate.

Why such low aspirations? Is this the standards which we want to be the basis of a future Malaysia for our children?

For as long as Malaysian politics continues to be driven by racism and religious bigotry, this will be the common phenomena. Anwar will have a field day because BN/Umno will be sufficient fodder to make him look good to the simpletons.

Imagine Malaysia without the BN/Umno goons. Anwar is irrelevant. Standards of accountability will be higher. Too bad politics then will be boring for the Ah Bengs and Mat Reformasi.

