After Alvin Tan, now Ali Abd Jalil seeking for asylum overseas

Ali Abd Jalil

(The Rakyat Post) – With sex blogger Alvin Tan having made headlines recently for seeking political asylum in the United States of America, yet another person facing trial on sedition charges appears to be going down the same road.

Ali Abd Jalil, who is currently facing eight charges of sedition for insulting the monarchy on Facebook is now said to be seeking for asylum in Sweden after flying out of the country last week.

Ali who confirmed the matter on his Facebook account, today, said his decision to look for asylum was due to numerous threats he had received from gangsters and racist Malay groups in the country.

“Now, I am in Sweden… Looking for asylum… the Malaysian government and Sultan treat(ed) me like rubbish… I have been threatened through gangsters and racist Malay groups in Malaysia…. Malaysia is not safe for me, police and gangsters are following me all the time….,” he posted.

In making it to Sweden, Ali took to thanking several organisations via the same Facebook posting.

He thanked Amnesty International, non-governmental organisation Asalkan Bukan Umno (ABU), Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram), APBM, Anti-Fascist Malaysia (Antifa Malaysia), Bar Council, Lawyer for Liberty, Sisters in Islam, Projek Dialog, Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), PRM and friends.

According to a report by the Rakyat Times, Ali who was due to appear in the Selayang and Shah Alam court to face his charges next month was adopted by Amnesty International Malaysia as a prisoner of conscience.

The online newsportal said it was learned that Ali left Malaysia on Oct 18 and, from Bangkok, flew to Stockholm on the morning of Oct 21 before making his way to Amnesty International Sweden where he was advised on the procedure of applying for asylum status.

He was then fingerprinted for identification purpose and handed his passport to the local Swedish authorities the next day before being interviewed by the immigration authorities where he disclosed details of his pending cases in Malaysia.

Currently Ali is currently waiting to have his application heard to be granted political asylum.

Checks on his Facebook account revealed that he continued to mock the government and monarchy with various postings.

The Rakyat Post contacted his lawyer Michelle Yesudas, but she declined to comment on the matter.

On Oct 22, Alvin had posted on his Facebook account that according to his sources, he learned that another Malaysian would soon be seeking for political asylum.

Declining to name the person, Alvin’s Facebook friends began a guessing game on who the person is.

One Facebook user Joyce Kimmitz guessed “Ali Abd Jalil” to which Alvin replied, “Joyce, how did you know?”

