PKR using PasMa to influence non-Malays


(Bernama) – The Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia (PasMa) is seen as one of the causes for the internal break-up in PAS between Muslim ideologists and Anwarinas.

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Social Science Studies Centre lecturer Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain said PAS was now faced with political enemies within its own party who were openly defiant of the top leadership which is dominated by the ulama group.

“PAS is now faced with internal political enemies. The PasMa group, they are no longer obedient to the ulama leadership led by Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

“It is a form of split and rule (which PAS tries to impose). They (PasMa) want to form a party within a party, a group within a group, and try to break the tradition of leadership (ulama) within PAS,” he told Bernama here Friday.

The press yesterday reported Pasma’s growth so far as surprising as there were many applications to join the non-governmental organisation in Terengganu compared to other states.

He said the formation of PasMa was a move taken by PKR to subtly control PAS, hiding behind PAS members who were in sync with the PAS-styled Islamic ideology.

“(PKR) is using PasMa to influence PAS members to agree with PKR ideology. They (PKR) are using PasMa and influencing the non-Malays (DAP) and for the non-Malays to have more faith in PKR and PasMa. They are not confident with PAS which holds on to Islam,” he said.

Meanwhile, former fellow at USM Dr Kamarul Zaman Yusoff said PAS should be more prepared to face any party especially those that were critical of it.

“Not allowing PAS members to join any association like PasMa will also lead people to become more curious about PasMa which will become more popular,” he said.

