Supporting Anwar means supporting LGBT rights, Utusan tells PAS

Anwar Ibrahim

(Malay Mail Online) – PAS must realise that if it supports Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s bid to free himself of a sodomy conviction it also supports “international” lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender movements who are backing the Opposition Leader, Utusan Malaysia has alleged.

Writing under the Awang Selamat pseudonym, the newspaper’s editors claimed that several unnamed LGBT groups wanted Anwar’s sodomy conviction to be overturned on the basis that sodomy is a “right” and not a “crime.”

“Several LGBT groups want Anwar’s prosecution to be overturned on the excuse that sodomy is a matter of freedom of choice and not a crime and sin in the eyes of Allah…for these groups, supporting Anwar is crucial,” Awang Selamat wrote in the Malay-language paper’s weekend edition, Mingguan Malaysia.

“Muslims, especially PAS must be smart in evaluating what values they want to uphold.

“Do they want to fall along the lines of the LGBT groups who glorify a perverted culture? If in doubt, decide on what is less harmful to Islam, it is that easy,” Awang Selamat wrote.

The column pointed out that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is also due in court the same day as Anwar’s federal court hearing on October 28- in a defamation suit filed by a Terengganu PKR candidate in the last general election.

“This is a the moment to test the loyalty of PAS members especially since there are pro-Anwar leaders within the party who are coercing members to support Anwar and not Hadi,” Awang added.

If Anwar fails to reverse his five-year imprisonment sentence and conviction in the Federal Court, the Permatang Pauh MP would lose his seat as the law bars anyone fined RM2,000 or imprisoned for one year to be a lawmaker.

On March 7, the Court of Appeal overturned the High Court’s 2012 acquittal of Anwar, ruling that the trial judge had erred in rejecting the DNA evidence in the second sodomy case.

The Court of Appeal also sentenced Anwar to five years’ jail but allowed him to be released on a RM10,000 bail.

The Federal Court is set to hear Anwar’s appeal next Tuesday and Wednesday, with the latter’s political party PKR already rallying support for him ahead of the hearing under the “Rakyat Hakim Negara” campaign.

The former deputy prime minister has been going on his own campaign since Tuesday to drum up support and is expected to cap it off with a solidarity gathering on the eve of his appeal.

