Don’t ignore Malays or you will be replaced, Perkasa warns Najib


(Malay Mail Online) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak risks losing political power to “alternative” voices from the country’s largest race at the next general election if he ignores the Malays, Perkasa said today.

Datuk Ibrahim Ali, president of the Malay rights group, said the reason why Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) have remained in power is because they have always received the unconditional backing of the Malay community.

“If you ignore us, you side-line the Malays in the next election, we will think of another alternative to protect the Malays,” he said, referring to Najib in his closing speech at a Perkasa forum titled “Malay Reserve Land: The Tragedy Affecting Our Race and Measures for Immediate Correction.”

“They are there because of votes and because of our support. So enough is enough,” the former Independent MP for Pasir Mas added, this time referring to the BN coalition.

Ibrahim’s speech was met with cheers from the 200-odd attendees here.

Malay rights and the demands of the community, Ibrahim explained, will be the focal point of Perkasa’s planned convention on national unity on November 23.

Ibrahim said a memorandum would be drafted in conjunction with the convention, which will stress the importance of defending Islam, the Sultan’s position as well as the continued use of the country’s controversial Sedition Act.

“If you do not take care of Malay interests, just wait and see,” he said, claiming that 1,000 non-governmental organisations have agreed to take part in the convention.

Ibrahim also said the convention would be officiated by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed who, according to the Perkasa chief, had begun drafting an “explosive” speech.

“Tun told me it will be a speech to be remembered… he has already begun writing it,” Ibrahim added, referring to Dr Mahathir.

