Sodomy II: Verdict likely on Friday, says Shafee


(The Star) – The verdict on Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy appeal will most likely be delivered on Friday, lead prosecutor Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah said.

Shafee said he expects the defence submission on DNA profiling by Anwar’s counsel, Ramkarpal Singh, to carry on until Thursday as it was a complicated subject.

“Ram will speak until tomorrow at the rate we are going, because DNA is not easy to understand.

“Malaysia has gone into a very high level of DNA profiling, with 16 elements being analysed, in comparison to Australia which needs only eight and United States 12,” he told reporters during recess on the second day of hearing, here.

He said for that reason, the verdict would probably be delivered Friday as the judges also needed time to mull over the submissions, which exceeded the number submitted during Anwar’s previous hearing.

“By Friday, definitely can. We will try to finish off before sembahyang (Friday prayers),” he said jokingly when queried.

The proceedings had earlier been extended to Thursday by the five-man panel of judges led by Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria.

