The Students are with Anwar? My Foot!


Raggie Jessy

The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is a short one. It was suspicion that led throngs of jarred adherents to Anwar’s residence following his political castration in 1998. But it was rampant paranoia that drove a rabble of seditious disputants from his residence to the streets, imbued with prevarications to his dismissal.

Anwar would have you believe that a diamond in the hand is worth Wan Azizah in PKR. He would and could, because he’s Anwar, illusionist extraordinaire. He’s the next best thing to Houdini or David Copperfield within the adversarial pecking order. And he’s out to stupefy his preferred audience, having them peel bananas over sodomy while dangling from a tree.

As Anwar would have it, Barisan National is all set to polish him off that faint silver stairway towards redemption, with a covin to place him under lock and key. That is to say, BN prefers that Anwar be in prison at all times, and at all costs. No, I don’t believe that to be true for a minute. And quite frankly, neither does Anwar. But he prefers the people to castigate BN on his account and place wagers on his virtues. The last I checked, he lost the bet, fair and square.

That’s right. The rakyat is done with his theatrics of pretence. Anwar is done for. He’s no longer the Pied Piper to whip up tunes and hope against all hope that fools prance in concert towards the shithole he’s destined to. Now, I know this, while many have caught on. But it seems that Anwar is severely lagging in this department. He’s convinced that he could erect that silver stairway towards redemption once more, while yoking a people together en route.

But a measly crowd of 300 odd adherents garbed in black T-shirts at the Putrajaya Court House hardly measures up to the 50,000 strong representation that sullied Seremban streets with a black hue during his ‘Blackout 505’ days. Back then, Anwar had many convinced that GE13 was the dirtiest electoral rig ever mounted to sell him down the river, the very creek he tried in vain to yank Mahathir to. Despite the cock-a-hoop, allegations of 40,000 bangla’s were never substantiated, while the truckloads of evidence concerning electoral irregularities never materialized. It was all big-talk. He never really did adduce a shred of a hint that could have assuaged the chronic paranoia pervading his loyalists. No, he offered nothing, apart from monkey riddles and double talk.

Now, just a little over a week back, I had deliberated on a sham that concerned Lensa, Jingga 13 and Anwar (refer to In another article (, I had summarised the gist to the first piece. And essentially, this was what I had to say, in recapitulation:

“Lensa and Jingga 13 are really Anwar’s henchmen, his secret weapon. The people are being led into believing that Lensa wants Anwar to quit, while Anwar used both Jingga 13 and Lensa to identify his enemies while simultaneously turning his supporters, in the wane, against PAS and UMNO. In essence, Anwar really wanted to fan unrest by getting a people worked up over Lensa’s remarks, while reminding them of his 1998 reformasi struggles. Lensa went ‘against’ Anwar merely to help him gear up for his solidarity march towards Putrajaya’s Courts. And it preferred that you got there antagonized, chocked in fury.”

And just yesterday, Lensa’s coordinator, Ekhsan Bukharee, the very guy who sought Anwar’s resignation via an open letter to the embattled opposition chieftain (refer to, was spotted with Anwar’s entourage at UM. In fact, Lensa’s Executive Director, Safwan Anang, was spotted as well. Now, how much more hypocritical and absurd can the shenanigan get? Did I not tell you, that the Lensa outburst was nothing more than a charade?

(refer to

Withal, it was hardly an assemblage of UM students. Rather, it seemed more of a PKR congregation, with signature provocations by members who turned out en masse. Arguably, these were the provocateurs that tore down police barricades during the Bersih 3.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur a little more than two years back. Antagonistic and ill-disposed towards authority, the attendees were tamed into compliance by Professor Azmi Sharom, who brokered a deal with security personnel in allowing some students to exit the campus.

And a meagre sum in student numbers it was, that ironically, were duped into believing the event to be a discourse on academic freedom. According to one student, they were led on by Fahmi Zainol, head to the student council, who concocted the ruse in advancing his personal agenda. Others were spontaneous when dressing Anwar down, seemingly irked by his propensity to manipulate a people for his personal intrigues.

Like I said once; it never ends, this reformasi shit!
