Heat cools off as Anwar’s sodomy appeal enters third day


There were less than 50 people on Thursday (Oct 30) – compared with almost 400 on the previous day –  gathered in front of the Palace of Justice to show their support to opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. (Photo: AFP/MOHD RASFAN)

(Channel News Asia) – With the hearing of the People’s Justice Party’s (PKR) Anwar Ibrahim’s final appeal against his sodomy conviction entering its third day on Thursday (Oct 30), the heat seems to have cooled off with less people gathering at the Palace of Justice.

Except for the presence of media members and police personnel, there were less than 50 people – compared with almost 400 on the previous day – gathered in front of the building to show their support to the opposition leader on Thursday. Anwar was also not seen going to meet supporters as he normally would before entering the court building.

Meanwhile, areas along the side of the Palace of Justice has been cordoned off with yellow tapes to prevent traders from operating their business there. A notice has also been put up to warn traders that action would be taken against them if they continued to operate in the area.

On Wednesday, Putrajaya Corporation (PPj) president Aseh Che Mat warned traders operating food and beverage stalls without PPj’s permission in the area to leave the premise or face action by the authorities.

Anwar, 67 was cleared in 2012 of charges he sodomised his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 27, four years earlier, but that acquittal was controversially reversed in March by an appeals court, which convicted him and sentenced him to five years in prison.

The hearing of Anwar’s appeal has been adjourned to Friday, and the prosecution will reply to the defence’s argument on Monday.

