Anwar: From Hamlet to Biblical Messiah


While Anwar plotted Khalid’s dismissal, His Royal Highness the Ruler of Selangor, assassinated Anwar’s credibility by favouring Azmin, denying Azizah a ‘throne’.

Raggie Jessy

Has anyone read Hamlet?

I have. And what a bloody good read it was.

Hamlet, an abbreviation to Shakespeare’s ‘The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’, is an intelligible yet heart-rending depiction of Medieval Denmark under the rule of Claudius, illegitimate and self proclaimed heir to a throne left vacant upon the demise of his blood brother, whom he murdered.

The tale has much to do with Prince Hamlet, commended to avenge the death of his father in a manner of requital by a curious apparition. Dejected and eccentric over his father’s demise, Hamlet held out against persuasion by Claudius and Gertrude, his mother. The fact that his mother wedded her brother in-law in less than no time wrecked havoc on Hamlet’s soul, crushing him further to pieces.

Well, the story goes on. The apparition, his father’s ghost, appears before Hamlet with an account to his murder, leaving Hamlet torn by his conscience over the revelation. Hamlet stages a play before his step-father (Claudius), re-enacting the murder of his father as depicted by the apparition. The portrayals visibly struck a blow to Claudius, who left the floor with apprehension. Now, that was the cue which foretold a legion; Hemlet was onto Claudius, and sought to redeem his late father’s honour.

Claudius surreptitiously orders for Hamlet’s execution, which never came to be. He then coaxes Hamlet into a handicapped duel with Laertes, marred with poisoned swords and wine. You may read the rest of the tale yourself. Suffice to say, the entire royal family perishes in a mesh of deceit, that put an end to a bloodline.

Withal, what Hamlet might say with irony, I say with conviction: “What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form, in moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension, how like a god!”

“In apprehension, how like a god…” Such were doctrines at the time this tale was told, where philosophers perceived man to be God’s greatest creation, made in God’s image and able to choose his own nature.

It is interesting to note how Hamlet, the tragedy, bears some resemblance to Selangor, the mystery. While Anwar plotted Khalid’s dismissal, His Royal Highness the Ruler of Selangor, assassinated Anwar’s credibility by favouring Azmin, denying Azizah a ‘throne’.

Anwar now begrudges Azmin his rank. He has since undertaken to avenge Azizah, plotting against Azmin by restructuring PKR to his whims. He concocted a play to turn a people against the Monarch, and in the process, poisoned his own cauldron. He injured his repute to unconceivable proportions, and yet, remains persistent and ludicrously oblivious to the perils of his continued folly. It appears that Anwar believes himself to be politically omnipotent, somewhat of a ‘god’.

And along with him, Anwar is yanking Azmin, and the whole lot of his half-past-six henchmen, towards the nadir of oblivion.

Anwar appears to have assumed a new role of late, that of a biblical Messiah. Just recently, Anwar was quoted as saying, “I do not want to go jail but if I am forced to, I will go fighting a corrupt government,”

“If this is my last service to Malaysians, to the young, then this is my small sacrifice.”

Now, isn’t that a little biblical in nature? So, will Anwar’s (political) death be a sacrifice for the sins of a corrupt government’??

The mills of god grind very, very slowly….

