‘We were not informed of fatwa gazetted on July 31′

marina mahathir

(The Rakyat Post) – It was just 10 days ago that Sisters in Islam (SIS) found out the organisation had been declared as subscribing to “religious liberalism and pluralism” in a gazetted fatwa in Selangor.

The fatwa, gazetted on July 31 this year, also singled out “any individuals, organisations or institutions”.

Shocked at the fatwa, it compelled SIS to file a judicial review against it at the Kuala Lumpur High Court this morning.

Former Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and activist Zainah Anwar also filed for the review as co-appellants.

“We only came across it 10 days ago by accident while surfing Jakim’s (Malaysian Islamic Development Department) e-fatwa website searching for something else.

“Our concern is if we are being accused, we should be informed,” said SIS board member Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir at a press conference this morning, who also explained that they were never told by the Fatwa Council of the accusation when the fatwa was gazetted.



