Halloween and Merdeka Day are equally un-Islamic


Nationalism is forbidden in Islam and Muslims will cite the last sermon of the Prophet to support this argument. But Muslims celebrate Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day. In fact, we even declare those days a holiday, like they do in Western kafir countries.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and so on, have now been declared un-Islamic and Malaysian Muslims have been told to not celebrate these events. Actually, many of these celebrations have nothing to do with religion. Halloween is a pre-Christianity pagan celebration, just like Christmas, which although is associated with the birth of Jesus has nothing with do with Jesus. It is just another pre-Christianity pagan celebration.

Many Malaysian Muslims, except for those in the states where Friday is a holiday, take their day off on Sunday. This is to respect what the Christians believe to be the day that God took a rest after the six days creation of the universe.

If the religious authorities want to go through things with a fine-tooth comb, then Malaysian Muslims should be told to not take their day off on Sunday. In fact, Friday is not a day off in Islam as well. So Muslims must work seven days a week and not follow the Christian tradition of taking a day off.

Singing the National Anthem is not a tradition in Islam. It is a western tradition, as is raising and saluting the flag. So why are Muslims following this un-Islamic tradition, which was introduced by the Christian colonialists?

The dress code of coat and tie to enter Parliament is not in accordance with the Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah. Did not Anwar Ibrahim himself say back in the 1970s that those who follow the kafir (infidels) and dress like the kafir would become kafir?

So why must the coat and tie be mandatory for Parliament when it is clearly a kafir form of attire? I have noticed that even Muftis and Muslim scholars dress like kafir.

Celebrating birthdays is also a kafir tradition. But Muslims celebrate birthdays.

Nationalism is forbidden in Islam and Muslims will cite the last sermon of the Prophet to support this argument. But Muslims celebrate Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day. In fact, we even declare those days a holiday, like they do in Western kafir countries.

If we really want to get petty and start splitting hairs then there is much we have to ban. Many of the things we do are not Islamic and are traditions of the kafir west. We cannot just stop at Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and so on. We have to also ban the practice of taking holidays on the 25th of December and the 1st of January, kafir traditions that have seeped into Malaysia.

How far do we want to go in being Islamic by banning all those non-Islamic traditions?

