Sisters-in-Islam fries Azmin Ali over his ‘respect fatwa’ call

Suri Kempe

Eileen Ng, The Malaysian Insider

Peeved with Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali for saying the state fatwa branding Sisters in Islam (SIS) as deviant should be respected, the non-governmental organisation today demanded that he explain himsef and insisted they are acting within their rights in challenging the edict.

“With all due respect, what does it even mean to ‘respect’ the fatwa? Perhaps he can enlighten us on the definition of ‘liberalism’ and ‘pluralism’,” SIS programme manager Suri Kempe said, when contacted.

The Sun Daily quoted the newly minted MB as saying that the decision by the state religious authorities should be respected.

“The decision has been made and I think it should be respected,” he was quoted as saying yesterday before refusing to answer any further questions.

The NGO filed a judicial review against the decree on Friday after stumbling across the fatwa on October 20 on Jakim’s website.

The fatwa, which was gazetted in Selangor in July, declared that SIS and any other similar organisations that promote religious liberalism and plurality as being deviant to the teachings of Islam.

In addition, any publication that promoted liberal and pluralistic religious thinking would be declared unlawful and confiscated.

SIS have named the Selangor Fatwa Committee, Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) and the state government as respondents.

Suri said SIS is challenging the fatwa on constitutional grounds.


