No extremism for country, says Azmin


(Rakyat Times) – Newly-appointed Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali says the state has no place for “fanatical or extremist” groups.

Addressing the World Forum for Muslim Democrats last night, the PKR deputy president said that there are many groups who fail to appreciate the Quranic imperatives of justice.

Quoted by a news portal, Azmin promised that the state would “uphold justice and moderation”.

“We, in the Selangor administration, will ensure that the principles of justice and moderation will prevail at all times,” he said.

Earlier, Azmin had said that a state fatwa against Sisters in Islam (SIS), for its allegedly spreading “liberalism and pluralism” should be “respected”.

A judicial review was filed by SIS against the Selangor Islamic Affairs Council’s (Mais) fatwa gazetted in July.

It named Mais, the Selangor Fatwa Council and the Selangor government as respondents.

The fatwa bars SIS from publishing anything, including online publications.

