Shafee: Male Y is Anwar

Anwar Ibrahim

Arguments of illegal arrests or illegally obtained evidence are irrelevant, says the prosecutor in Sodomy 2.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Possibly in anticipation of a verdict today in Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy trial, a sizeable police contingent gathered outside the Palace of Justice, where the Federal Court heard prosecutor Shafee Abdullah proclaim that the DNA identified as Male Y belonged to the accused.

However, the court adjourned at about 1pm, after Shafee said he would wrap up his submission tomorrow.

Earlier, citing the testimony provided by chemist Noraidora Saedon, Shafee told the court that the DNA swab taken from a toothbrush in Anwar’s cell matched with Male Y. Additionally, he presented that Anwar’s DNA was found in a pair of grey underwear belonging to alleged sodomy victim Saiful Bukhari Azlan. He said the DNA of a third person could have come from a toilet seat.

Shafee also addressed accusations made by the defence that samples of Anwar’s DNA were taken without his consent, saying, “Where there is a lacuna, we are allowed to use English law, and illegally obtained evidence is admissible. Only a confession, when illegally obtained, cannot be admitted. Other evidence must be admissible.

“Arguments of illegal arrests or illegally obtained evidence are irrelevant, as they are admissible.”

He also told the court that Saiful could be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, in which hostages develop positive feelings for their captors, expressing empathy and sympathy to the point of defending them. He claimed that Saiful did not report to the police immediately as he had been “dominated” by Anwar for four months.


