What is PKR’s official take on fatwa against SIS?


Anwar and Azmin seem to be at odds on the issue.

(Free Malaysia Today) – It appears that PKR is yet to have a clear policy on liberalism and pluralism in the context of Islam, as indicated by the rather dissimilar reactions of two party leaders to the Selangor fatwa against Sisters in Islam (SIS) and similar groups.

The party’s supremo, Anwar Ibrahim, has unequivocally expressed his opposition to the ban, but deputy president Azmin Ali, in a rather guarded response to a reporter’s question on the issue on Friday, said the decision by the Selangor Religious Council (Mais) “should be respected”.

Azmin’s caution is understandable. As Menteri Besar of Selangor, he cannot be seen to be at odds with Mais, which advises the Sultan, who is the head of religion in the state.

Yesterday, speaking at the World Forum for Democrats, he appeared bolder, declaring that “fanatical” groups had no place in Selangor and that his government would do its “utmost” to ensure “justice and moderation”.

Anwar’s liberal stripes have been well known at least since the publication of his book The Asian Renaissance, which came out in 1996, when he was still Deputy Prime Minister. However, some observers have seen him waver on several occasions in the years since he formed Pakatan Rakyat, especially when facing Malay constituents.


