Azmin proposes meeting between SIS and religious departments

azmin 24

(The Star) – Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali (pic) has proposed a meeting between Sisters in Islam (SIS), the Selangor mufti and Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) in order to avert confusion and misunderstanding over a (gazetted edict) fatwa imposed against the Muslim women’s rights group.

In a statement on Wednesday, Azmin said he had brought up the matter with the Selangor Mufti, who had then brought it forward for discussion at the Selangor Royal Assembly meeting, which was in session on Nov 3.

“It should be noted that I am not a member of the Fatwa Committee of Selangor and fatwas are not within the jurisdiction or purview of the office of the Mentri Besar,” he explained.

Azmin said based on clarification given by the mufti and Mais at the meeting, he had proposed the three parties hold a meeting, with the consent of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

“I proposed with the consent of Tuanku Sultan, that the Mufti of Selangor and Mais hold a meeting with SIS in order to avert confusion and misunderstanding.

“I earnestly hope that such consultations and meeting, conducted without rancour or ill-will, would help bring about an atmosphere of harmony as enjoined by Islam,” he said.

Last Friday, SIS filed an application for judicial review on a fatwa issued by Mais, which had declared the group as subscribing to liberalism and religious pluralism, and therefore deviating from the teachings of Islam.

They named Mais, the Selangor Fatwa Committee and the state government as respondents in the review filed at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

Azmin had then reportedly said that the decision had been made, and that the fatwa should be respected by everyone, drawing the ire of SIS and other quarters.
