PAS Youth backs fatwa banning SIS, calls group a ‘cancer’ on religion


(MMO) – Muslim women’s group Sisters In Islam (SIS) deserved the fatwa or religious edict banning it as it has been undermining Muslim faith here under the guise of feminism, PAS Youth said today.

Continuing its attacks against SIS for its decision to file a legal challenge against the fatwa, PAS Youth accused the group of abusing the tenets of free speech and opinion in order to attack Islamic authorities.

“From its feminist roots, it has grown bolder in disputing the principles of Islam held by the religious community here…” Muhd Khalil Abdul Hadi, deputy PAS Youth chief, said in a statement today.

“In addition to mocking and ridiculing efforts to impose Islamic laws on the Muslim community, such as Kelantan’s rule requiring Muslim women to don headscarves, SIS is also challenging the Selangor Fatwa Committee’s edict banning them.”

He further alleged that SIS was challenging the faith of Muslims by promoting the Jewish and Christian view that all men are children of God, which he said meant that the women’s group rejected that “Allah” was supreme.

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