Anwar may face contempt action later, says Shafee


In one of his recent press conferences, Anwar was alleged to have said: “I will not retire. But if I retire, maybe I will be acquitted”. 

V. Anbalagan, The Malaysian Insider

Contempt proceedings maybe initiated against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim after his sodomy appeal, said deputy public prosecutor Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.

Speaking to reporters today, Shafee said Anwar is not off the hook yet as the Attorney-General (Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail) may initiate committal proceedings at a later date.

“We are contemplating contempt action against the appellant (Anwar) once this appeal proceeding is over,” Shafee said.

In one of his recent press conferences, Anwar was alleged to have said: “I will not retire. But if I retire, maybe I will be acquitted”.

Shafee said Anwar’s statement implied that the court, government and the prosecution were conspiring against him.

“It also meant that the court was not fair and had no integrity,” he added.

Earlier today, Shafee told the five-man Federal Court bench that he was instructed by Gani to inform the court what Anwar had said in the press conference.

Shafee said the bench took notice of his complaint but instructed Anwar’s defence team to begin its rebuttal.

Shafee told reporters that Anwar had earlier praised the bench for being patient and attentive to the submissions presented by his lawyers compared with the case that was rushed in the Court of Appeal.

“Later, he (Anwar) made the statement belittling the judiciary, while attacking me.”


