DAP-PAS feud turns petty


Mustafa Ali fires back at Guan Eng

(Free Malaysia Today) – DAP and PAS seem bent on continuing the quarrel they started during the controversy over the choice of a candidate for Selangor Menteri Besar.

Last Sunday, DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng said Pakatan partners that do not fulfil promises were greater threats to the coalition’s survival than the prospect of Anwar Ibrahim going to jail. PAS kept quiet on that one, perhaps because no name was mentioned.

And then, on Monday, he mentioned PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang by name — and indeed announced that he was doing so openly. Was he disappointed that PAS had not reacted to his Sunday remarks? “I say this openly,” he said. “I ask PAS, especially the president, to keep his promises and fulfill commitments. As long as he stays away from the Pakatan leadership meetings, it is difficult for Pakatan to function as a whole committee.”

This time, PAS did take the bait, with its secretary-general, Mustafa Ali, telling Lim to stop being petty. “Since 2008, Guan Eng has missed more PR meetings than Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi,” he said yesterday. “But that’s not a big issue,” he quickly added, as if realising that he too could be accused of being petty.


