Kerajaan = Malaysia?


Do we work for the country or do we work for the present government? 

Luqman L

Some time ago, I had to attend a government-organized training program that saw us going through several workshops across several days.

One of these had us role-playing as board members or rather the executive committee of a ministerial department. We were to deliberate on the matter of hiring trainers in order to raise the standard of service and efficiency of the department in the ministry.

The choice was between three groups of trainers:

  1. A company that was well-known to be strong BN supporters. Trainers are about above average in standards.

  2. A company that was known to be PR supporters. Trainers are very well-qualified and professional.

  3. A company from outside of Malaysia.

Now in the end, regardless of what our final group’s decision was, we were told that the correct choice would be the first company since:

  1. Choosing the second company would be ‘embarrassing to the present government’ even if clauses and provisions were made to ensure that they did not veer towards political content.

  2. Even though their trainers were ‘only’ above average in standards, the level of training required should be taken into consideration as that may very well be sufficient.

I would have thought that:

  1. If we are spending an equivalent amount of money, we should get the best trainers since we aim to be the best at what we do.

  2. That the ministry and the department is essentially providing a service to the rakyat – whether it is in directly dealing with them or indirectly through the development of the nation. Therefore, maximum gains should transcend political boundaries.

Yes, I am idealistic in that way. So this got me thinking – and this is really the crux of my article here.

Does Kerajaan = Nation/Country?

Do we work for the country or do we work for the present government? Now this is a genuine question that I’m now asking out into the public virtual agora because I do not know and yet it seems to be such an important one.

Do ministries have their ‘loyalty’ or ‘allegiance’ to the government, or to the nation? Do they work for the government or the nation?

One can make the argument that they are employed by the government therefore they technically work for the government, hence the term government employees.

But ultimately, aren’t governments supposed to only ‘govern’ the country for us?

In short, in making decisions (political factionalism aside, as idealistic as it may be, but since this is a theoretical question …) should it not be made to ultimately benefit the country and rakyat instead of the ‘present government’?

Or does the usual corporate world rules apply?

Please note that I’m not versed in political science and therefore these may seem to be rudimentary questions. But these are nonetheless genuine questions that I think most of us need to think about.

It would be great if I could be illuminated on the questions posed herewith.

