Understanding liberalism and pluralism


Just to compare notes.

As long as the voters allow the current government to pass any laws they wish, the incumbent government will rightly continue doing so the way they want to. This is true for both opposition or majority government.

Democracy is a great mechanism for allowing the people of the land a peaceful means to voice their choices. Elections take place periodically over a reasonable interval, 5 years in the case of Malaysia. There can never be an immediate fix or change; this is true with life in anything.

If the people strongly feel the current constitution or law passed by the existing elected representatives (with the judges and law-makers) is against their will, it is time for them to seriously think about their vote in the next election whether the current elected party/representatives together with its integrity, delivers the voice of the people previously promised. Votes speak volumes.

For example, if a suppressing law is passed then the integrity of such party will be questionable and a lasting impact of their credibility to win future elections is lost forever. The voter shall then weigh the pros and cons of voting the same representative in the next election. If the majority in the next election is swayed that such suppressing law is unforgivable, then the outcome is to vote in others who may deliver their promises better.

The challenge is when corruption and fraud betrays the spirit of democracy. This is when tyranny kicks in whether it is liberalism, pluralism, anarchy or democracy. It is the tyranny of the majority group.

An intellectual group should remember everyone in the same land bears equal rights, not just as a human but as a citizen of the nation. Stop being a tyrant for those blessed with such power to make the world/country a better place.

A progressive society should always seek to enforce reasonable inclusive law to attract and retain national talent as well as foreign talent to remain competitive in the wider pond and being recognised as an inclusive nation/state. This is what it means to be a true leader, role model and believer to the world of humans with equal rights. Otherwise, such society will always be backward, living in their own shelter and gradually disappearing over time (a reasonable time, extinction won’t happen overnight).

The big issue is Malaysia does not believe in true democracy and protect tyranny through discriminatory practices by race, religion and gender. Those three are their “Aces” which easily sway the majority group to behave in a backward mode.

Anonymously Yours,

MT Reader

