The Malaise of the Malays: The reason Malays are lazy


Narinder Singh, The Malaysian Insider

“……Malays are lazy,” Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed said recently. The question that begs an answer is “why and what made them so?” If for 22 years Dr Mahathir could not do much in changing them, what will drive them to change their attitude now, at least going by his logic and stand?

Various policies failed to get them to top the nation financially, economically and politically. The Malays have been “malaised” by the very policies implemented by Dr Mahathir himself but now he blames the entire race for falling behind the non-Malays.

He said he is ashamed of them. Well maybe on a personal capacity he could say that but again it does not justify the ignorance he had exhibited when failure was staring at him from his early days of helming the nation.

Why blame them when he had personally played a role in paralysing and debilitating them systematically across at least two generations.

Today the Malays are left behind chasing the minorities for the pie that is slowly but surely getting smaller in all sectors. The entire geopolitical and economic landscape has and is experiencing major paradigm shift in Malaysia.

Unlike during the tenure of Dr Mahathir as the premier, competition is stiff not only locally but also globally. The Malay race cannot be shielded anymore from getting bombarded by external forces.

To make matters worse, the Malays today are far more divided, which Dr Mahathir could not have even envisaged in his lifetime. He claims to be visionary but he missed the sight to foresee the inevitable cast of the internet and its powers.

Above that, the Malays who were deprived of achieving great heights to financial freedom and upper class status platform during Dr Mahathir’s time revolted by aligning themselves to opposition parties, especially PAS and PKR.

Politically, Umno may also lose governing power at federal level if they stay disintegrated far too long with equal opportunity promises made by their nemesis Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

Failure of a race cannot be blamed due to the co-existence of another. That is a fact.

When a race is domesticated and protected for prolonged periods, it fails miserably to hunt effectively for better grounds.


