Putrajaya aiming to create Shariah equivalent of Federal Court, minister says


(MMO) – The government is waiting for the rulers’ consent to set up two more Shariah courts to give them the same powers as the civil Federal Court, Malaysia’s highest court, minister Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said yesterday.

Jamil Khir, who is minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Islamic affairs, reportedly said the government has been in discussions with the state Islamic religious councils (MAIN) since two years ago on its proposal to add two levels to the Islamic legal system that currently comprises the Shariah Subordinate Court, the Shariah High Court and the Shariah Appeal Court.

“The question of whether the level will be named the Shariah Federal Court is not the main issue, but the powers of that court should be equal with the civil Federal Court’s,” Jamil Khir was quoted by Malay-language daily Berita Harian as saying yesterday.

“These five shariah court levels will be the same as the civil courts, but the names of those levels have yet to be determined,” he was further quoted as saying.

A spokesperson from the federal Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) declined comment when contacted by Malay Mail Online for verification.

Read more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/putrajaya-aiming-to-create-shariah-equivalent-of-federal-court-minister-say
