Lawyers for Islam to defend religious edicts


High on the risk list are Islamic laws that permit polygamy, outlaw adultery and prohibit sodomy.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Lawyers for Islam, a new group, has been formed to assist religious authorities in the wake of the Court of Appeal ruling last week in favour of transgender criminalised by the Negri Sembilan religious authorities under Syariah laws.

The Malaysian Shariah Lawyers Association (PGSM), which helped formed Lawyers for Islam, said in the Malay media that the new group will help the Negeri Sembilan Government to appeal against the Court of Appeal ruling which, among others, states that the religious authorities cannot outlaw cross dressing i.e. men dressing up in women’s clothing, a term left undefined.

It was not immediately clear why PGSM needs to form another group for the specific purpose of helping to launch the Appeal.

“We will request the co-operation of Islamic religious councils in other states to file an application to intervene in the Appeal and to work together with the relevant parties,” said PGSM secretary Moeis Basri in the Malay media.

“We will have a meeting with the government, Islamic religious councils in other states and Islamic institutions to introduce Lawyers for Islam and to offer assistance.”

Lawyers in Islam has 30 members, according to PGSM.


