Kelantan MCA sees hudud plan as a ‘joke’


Deputy chairman says PAS is becoming creative with ideas and making it up as they go along with their plans to enforce hudud in the state.

Lin Kay Kay, Free Malaysia Today

Kelantan MCA deputy chairman Tan Ken Ten sees the various snags besetting the ruling PAS party’s plan to introduce hudud in Kelantan as evidence that the whole idea is turning out to be a joke.

“I do not know what else they will come up with after this. They are becoming creative with ideas and making it up while they go along with their plans to enforce hudud in the state,” said Tan in a media update.

“The whole episode sounds like a joke. By resorting to an 18th century device to carry out capital punishments, they will become the laughing stock of the world.”

He was commenting on a report that a mini guillotine may be used to implement hudud in Kelantan after doctors refused to go along with the Islamic form of punishment for theft.

Mohd Amar Abdullah, chairman of Kelantan’s hudud law technical committee, is reportedly toying with the mini guillotine idea since it doesn’t need a surgeon to operate.

“I will make extensive studies on the method used during the French Revolution in the 18th century when guillotines were used to sever the heads of those sentenced to death,” said Amar, also the Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar, in a media update.

The mini guillotine, according to him, needed only two persons to operate. The first was to hold down the convicted person and the other to operate the lever. The Judge who passed the sentence is also supposed to be present.

However, there’s also a snag here, since a doctor has to be in attendance to ensure that the convicted person doesn’t suffer “unnecessarily” during his ordeal. Islamic law is either silent or frowns on the use of anesthetics.

The Hippocratic Oath, all about the ethics of the profession, binds doctors who are members of the Malaysian Medical Association.

Hudud violates that Oath.


