The Malays let down their own side


The Malay is an enigma. He claims to know Islam, but when his brethren is threatened, he refuses to speak out. He fears the mob will hound him, even though neither he nor the person he would like to protect, have done anything wrong.

Mariam Mokhtar, The Ant Daily


When a preacher tells him of a shortcut to heaven, he is all ears. His morbid fascination with the afterlife makes him forget his moral obligations and his responsibilities to his fellow man, because he believes that his life on earth is to prepare him for the afterlife; but at what cost?

He would rather not use his brain to think, especially when it concerns moral issues. He would rather some other body does his thinking for him, perhaps, the ulama or the government. The gift which God gave him, his brain, lies idle because he is fixated on the afterlife more than life on earth. His siege mentality is reinforced by the Umno-Baru government, so that he feels helpless without the government to tell him what to do.

The Malay mentality is stuck in a time warp. If only his intellect and compassion could increase at the same rate, as his love for material goods, perhaps, we would not have massive problems in Malaysia, today. The Malay feels and acts like he is superior to people of other faiths and cultures.  He is not. His lack of humility fails him, in the eyes of many.

The Malay depends on the government to spoon-feed him and when he does not get his fix, he gets upset. He is like a child who should have been weaned a long time ago. Democracy, human rights and rule of law mean very little to him. He wants to get ahead, and if cheating will give him an advantage, then so be it.

There is one group which is unlike the Malay. They do not want you to sell them anything, nor do they want you to give them a commission. They do not demand that you give them all of your time, they do not want your riches or your belongings. They do not expect you to give them a datukship or to betray others for them. They do not tell you how to behave or make you fearful, by invoking God’s name. All they want is companionship and for that, they will go to the ends of the earth for you. “They” are dogs, another of God’s creatures.

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