Ariff Sabri: Umno has to lie to hide its failures

Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz

Raub MP expects a re-run at next week’s Umno general assembly

(Free Malaysia Today) – Raub MP Mohd Ariff Sabri predicts that next week’s Umno general assembly will be a re-enactment of the party’s assemblies of recent years, with delegates scrambling to rant and rave at imagined enemies invented by their leaders.

By the end of the five-day meeting, Ariff says in his latest blog entry, they would have forgotten what they were there for in the first place – to assess how well their leaders have served the Malays, particularly in raising their income and closing the gap between the rich and the poor.

“They would have forgotten to remind their leaders that the Malays have lost their land, the Malays are homeless, the Malays are weak in business and so on.”

The Umno of today, Ariff says, has to lie to its members and to the Malays in order to hide its failures and lengthen its political life. “It spins stories about other races sabotaging Umno’s agenda for the Malays.”

He says there will be would-be heroes who will declare that they will defend Malay dignity to the last drop of their blood.

“And, not to be left out, some Umno leader will draw a kris and challenge those who would threaten the Malays.

“In truth, the Malays are not under threat, but Umno is.”


