Why the AG should be upset


So can you see how potent a fitnah can be? Once the fitnah sticks, nothing you do can erase that fitnah. It will stick to you forever. And that is why Islam regards fitnah as a very serious crime and above many other crimes, even the crime of murder.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Malaysia’s Attorney-General (AG), Gani Patail, is a victim of fitnah. He was accused of saying that inter-racial marriages are a threat to the peace and stability of the nation when he did not say that.

Fitnah, which is Malay for slander and/or defamation, is considered a very serious crime in Islam. According to Imam Sadiq, ‘making an allegation against an innocent is higher than even the high hills in sinning’.

Some scholars have even ruled that the crime of fitnah is a crime worse than the crime of murder and is, in fact, one of the crimes under what many would consider the draconian Islamic Sharia law of Hudud (in particular the crime of slander/defamation involving sexual misconduct).

Anyway, maybe Gani now knows what it feels like to be accused of doing or saying something that you did not do/say and, worse of all, get punished for what you were accused of doing/saying what you did not do/say.

I am referring to the fitnah that I suffered at the hands of Gani. Back in April 2008, I signed a Statutory Declaration (SD) testifying that someone had told me something regarding the then Deputy Prime Minister’s wife.

My lawyer who prepared that SD then sent it to the Prosecutors in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial, the purpose being so that they can investigate this allegation that the person made and determine the truth or falsity of the allegation by that person.

It could be true or it may not be true. That is for the authorities to determine. My job was to report a possible crime that I was told had been committed, as is the duty of every citizen who would be committing a crime if they do not report knowledge of a possible crime.

Instead of acting on that information, they revealed the SD on an Umno Blog, which was something they should not have done.

Then the AG issued a public statement saying that I had committed a crime. The next day, the IGP also issued a statement saying that the police were going to take action against me for a crime I had committed.

And that crime I was alleged to have committed is that I made an allegation against the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife, which I did not and hence that is a fitnah.

Now everyone was convinced that I had made this so-called allegation against the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife. And they were convinced because the Umno Blog, the AG and the IGP said so.

Furthermore, they arrested me and charged me for the crime of criminal defamation on an allegation that I did not make. This further convinced everyone that I did make that allegation. If not, why would they arrest me and charge me if I did not make that allegation?

Then when I said I did not make that allegation but just reported an allegation that some other person had made, they accused me of backtracking and of doing a U-turn and of withdrawing my allegation.

How can I backtrack and do a U-turn or withdraw an allegation that I did not make? That does not matter. Umno, the AG, and the IGP, said I did make it. Hence I did make it even if I say I did not. And if I deny making the allegation that can only mean I did make it and now I have done a U-turn and withdraw that allegation.

So can you see how potent a fitnah can be? Once the fitnah sticks, nothing you do can erase that fitnah. It will stick to you forever. And that is why Islam regards fitnah as a very serious crime and above many other crimes, even the crime of murder.

So it was the AG who started that fitnah against me, followed by the IGP. I will not be surprised if it was the AG who leaked that SD to the Umno Blog because he accused me of a crime before even reading that SD.

How could the AG know that I have committed a crime without even reading what I said in that SD (which he confirmed he had not read it yet when he accused me of a crime)? It can only be because he had planned to fix me up and what I said in the SD does not matter since they are going to accuse me and charge me for what I did not do anyway.

Hence the AG committed fitnah against me. And now a fitnah has been committed against him. What is that word they use to describe this type of situation?

Ah, yes, that’s right…karma.

