We both oppose and support the issue


On the other matter regarding Tony Pua, in the past the opposition screamed that those who criticise the government should not be arrested for sedition, criminal defamation, or whatever. Instead, if these critics have lied, you should sue them.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PKR hits out at Putrajaya over fuel subsidy cut, said The Malaysian Insider (READ HERE).

Najib threatens to sue Tony Pua, said Free Malaysia Today (READ HERE).

PKR is opposed to BR1M because they regard it as a bribe. However, PKR is also opposed to the removal of the subsidy for petrol, even though it can also be regarded as a bribe.

It is sometimes very difficult to follow PKR’s arguments. Petrol subsidies benefit the rich who own many cars and high-powered cars that consume a lot of petrol on top of that. But they want petrol subsidies retained. Then they oppose BR1M and want it removed, although BR1M benefits the poor.

One thing that must be noted is that BR1M was mentioned in Barisan Nasional’s May 2013 election manifesto. Pakatan Rakyat, however, did not mention in its 2013 election manifesto that it opposes BR1M and that if it came to power it would abolish BR1M.

So, all Barisan Nasional is doing is it is delivering its election promise, which was never opposed by Pakatan Rakyat in its own election campaign prior to the May 2013 general election.

On the other matter regarding Tony Pua, in the past the opposition screamed that those who criticise the government should not be arrested for sedition, criminal defamation, or whatever. Instead, if these critics have lied, you should sue them.

Well, now Tony Pua is going to be sued, as what you want. Are you now going to say he should not be sued?

Let’s wait and see what they say after this.

