Spitting to the sky


By continuing to attack Khalid Ibrahim, Pakatan is admitting that abuse of power occurs under its watch

Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today

Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali has revealed that ex-Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim gave his aides RM2.6 million as a golden handshake just before their services were terminated.

PAS Member of Parliament Khalid Samad, in turn, has asked the authorities to investigate this alleged transgression, presumably to take action if a corrupt act can be proven, while the four PAS Exco members say they did not endorse or approve the payout.

On the surface it appears like Khalid Ibrahim has, yet again, committed a transgression or a corrupt act or has abused his power alongside all those other allegations made against him.

Khalid Ibrahim has been accused of many things; doing an under-the-table deal with Bank Islam, wrongly signing the water agreement, wrongly approving the Kidex highway, and so on.

In spite of all these allegations, which resulted in his ouster, thus far nothing has been proven. In fact, in the water agreement and Kidex issues, it appears like there is no crime after all.

What benefit PKR gains from continuing to attack Khalid Ibrahim and revealing all sorts of so-called corrupt acts only those who persist in these attacks can tell. However, what is apparent is that Pakatan Rakyat is admitting that abuse of power and corruption also exists in the opposition.

The Malays call this spitting to the sky or, as the English would say, pissing in the wind. Ultimately the dirt comes back to you.


