Putrajaya mulls censoring YouTube, websites for unapproved content


(MMO) – The Home Ministry is working with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to set up a firewall on websites, including YouTube, to ensure content which does not adhere to guidelines set by the Film Censorship Board is not viewed by Malaysians.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said it was vital for content on the Internet, including movies, to suit local culture and sensitivity.

“We are working with MCMC on this matter and I urge the commission to implement the system soon,” he said after officiating the 60th anniversary of the censorship board here yesterday.

Ahmad Zahid said the public needed to understand that the censorship board had a social responsibility to ensure people were not influenced by negative elements which could be present in certain films.

“We want to create awareness among the public, specifically film goers, that the censorship board has a social and religious responsibility to ensure movies adhere to set guidelines,” he said.

“Content creators have to make sure their content do not lead members of society out of social and religious norms.”

Read more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/putrajaya-mulls-censoring-youtube-websites-for-unapproved-content

