Muhyiddin gives five reasons youth rejected Umno

(The Rakyat Post) – Five reasons have been identified as the reason Umno has been losing the public, especially the youth’s support.

These reasons were laid down by Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as he addressed the delegates present at the launching of the party’s three wings’ general assembly here tonight.

He said in a survey conducted among the nation’s Malay youths regarding their opinion of Umno, most said that the party was seen as facing a trust deficit, a feudal party, was practising a play safe and a ‘yes man’ culture, controlled by warlords, and is threatened by a culture of intimidation.

“They told me that they actually support Umno’s cause and they love the party. To them, no other party can be relied on to defend the religion, race, and the country.

“They want to see the party leaders from all levels to have more integrity, to be more honest, more transparent, and to be free of corruption.”

His statement received a loud “boo” from all the attendees to which Muhyiddin responded by saying that those were the points given by the nation’s youths, who were the ones deciding the party’s future.

Muhyiddin went on to explain all five criticisms as he said that the younger generation did not want Umno to be tied to the hierarchy and the party seemed too feudal to the point that those from the lower position could not voice out their opinions as long as those in higher positions did not do so.

“They said if the leaders say A, then those in the bottom will say A. If they say B, surely the lower ranked ones will say B.”

He repeatedly reiterated that these were not his words as he continued saying that the youths in Umno had great ideas, but felt that it was better to be silent than to contradict the leaders.

“It was as if there is a play safe culture in Umno. As a result, more people choose to keep silent, causing our party to be perceived as tired.

“So the Malays and the people are wondering where is the voice of Umno? Where is the sharpness of the Youth? Where is the strictness of the Wanita? Where is the loudness of the Puteri?”

Muhyiddin added that this had led to the people to question the party’s ability to fight for the rights of the Malays.

He said it was time for Umno to prove itself as nothing like the negative perceptions attached to it.

“Show them we are a party that is idealistic, a party with a future, a party that is the choice of the youth. Remember that the younger generation today dislike being a yes-man.

“They are disgusted with the culture of apple polishing. They hate the practice of sabotage. If we can get rid off all these negative culture, I’m sure Umno will be the choice of the youth.”

He touched on the system of “warlord” in the party, a term inferred on those who had many followers, allowing them to threaten the party’s leaders to give them whatever they want.

This, according to Muhyiddin, needed to be proven wrong by rejecting the act of some who tried to stay in power by spreading wealth to their followers.

“Some even said that there is no need to do work in Umno. What needs to be done is collect wealth to be distributed to the followers so they will remain loyal.

“This has led in the rise of cost needed to be involved in politics. Even with talent, credentials, capability, they couldn’t move actively if they have no money.

“I’m worried that at the end, those who climb the party’s hierarchy are only those with money and not talent.

“People will say that money is everything in politics. No money, no talk. As if money is power, money is everything.”

